

ASH acts as a mediator and merely provides an online platform to the User to select and book a particular hotel. Hotels in this context includes all categories of accommodations such as hotels, homestays, bed and breakfast stays, cottages, villas etc. All the information pertaining to the hotel including the category of the hotel, images, room type, amenities and facilities available at the property are as per the information provided by the property to ASH. This information is for reference only. Any discrepancy that may exist between the website pictures and actual settings of the property shall be raised by the User with the property directly, and shall be resolved between the User and property. ASH will have no responsibility in that process of resolution, and shall not take any liability for such discrepancies.


The hotel booking voucher which ASH issues to a User is solely based on the information provided or updated by the hotel regarding the inventory availability. In no circumstances can ASH be held liable for failure on part of a hotel to accommodate the User with a confirmed booking, the standard of service or any insufficiency in the services, or any other service related issues at the hotel. The liability of ASH in case of denial of check-in by a hotel for any reason what-so-ever including over-booking, system or technical errors, or unavailability of rooms etc., will be limited to either providing a similar alternate accommodation at the discretion of ASH (subject to availability at that time), or refunding the booking amount (to the extent paid) to the User. Any other service related issues should be directly resolved by the User with the hotel.

Hotels reserves the sole right of admission and ASH has no say whatsoever in admission or denial for admission by the hotel. Unmarried or unrelated couples may not be allowed to check-in by some hotels as per their policies. Similarly, accommodation may be denied to guests posing as a couple if suitable proof of identification is not presented at the time check-in. Some hotels may also not allow local residents to check-in as guests. ASH will not be responsible for any check-in denied by the hotel due to the aforesaid reasons or any other reason not under the control of ASH. No refund would be applicable in case the hotel denies check-in under such circumstances.


The User would be liable to make good any damage(s) caused by any act of him/ her/ or their accompanying guests (willful/negligent) to the property of the hotel in any manner whatsoever. The extent and the amount of the damage so caused would be determined by the concerned Property.ASH would not, in any way, intervene in that matter.

The primary guest must be at least 18 years old to be able to check into the hotel. The User has to be in possession of a valid identity proof and address proof, at the time of check-in. The hotel shall be within its rights to deny check-in to a User if a valid identity proof is not presented at the time of check-in.

Check-in time, check-out time, and any changes in those timings, will be as per hotel policy & terms. Early check-in or late check-out request is subject to availability and the hotel may charge an additional fee for providing such services.


The booking amount paid by the User is only for stay at the hotel. Some bookings may include breakfast and/ or meals as confirmed at the time of booking. Any other services utilized by the User at the hotel, including laundry, room service, internet, telephone, extra food, drinks, beverages etc. shall be paid by the User directly at the property.

Hotels may charge a mandatory meal surcharge on festive periods like Christmas, New Year's Eve or other festivals as decided by the hotel. All additional charges (including mandatory meal surcharges) need to be cleared directly at the property. ASH will have no control over waiving the same.


Booking of a hotel is only through "Prepaid"

"Pay at hotel" options is not available at ASH at this moment.

In "Prepaid" model, the total booking amount is paid by the User at the time of booking itself. Such total booking amount includes the hotel reservation rate, taxes, service fees as may be charged on behalf of the actual service provider, and any additional booking fee or convenience fee charged by ASH.

All modes of payments are accepted by ASH.

Payment can be made by Cards as specified at the time of booking.

Some banks and card issuing companies charge their account holders a transaction fee when the card issuer and the merchant location (as defined by the card brand, e.g. Visa, MasterCard, American Express) . If a User has any questions about the fees or any exchange rate applied, they may contact their bank or the card issuing company through which payment was made. Some accommodation suppliers may require User and/or the other persons, on behalf of whom the booking is made, to present a credit card or cash deposit upon check-in to cover additional expenses that may be incurred during their stay. Such deposit is unrelated to any payment received by ASH and solely at the behest of the Property.